The strength and vitality of our parish community depends on each and every one of us. We invite and encourage each other's participation in the ministries of our parish and our committees and social gatherings. We are challenged to take our gifts and utilize them to keep our mission alive. We are committed to share our time, talent, and treasure in the service of the Gospel message both within and beyond our parish community.
There are many opportunities to be a part of the music at St. Pius X. The music ministry includes cantors, children's choir, accompanists, adult choir, instrumentalists, funeral choir, hand bell choir, and women's choir. Music is provided by this ministry for all weekend Masses and Holy days.
The arts and environment team is a valuable behind-the-scenes group that creates and maintains an inviting, welcoming, and prayerful worship space in the church and Narthex.
Present a warm and welcoming greeting to those entering the Church for Mass and other Liturgies. They also are attentive to the needs of those who require information, direction & assistance before, during and after the Liturgies.
Servers help at each Mass and are an integral part of the liturgy.
Altar servers can begin serving in 4th grade. This is a great way to help out our St. Pius X parish, learn more about the Mass, and actively participate in the celebration of the Mass. To register as a server, click on the above "Ministry Scheduler Pro - click here to enroll online". Complete the form and ensure "Server-C" is under the "My Ministries" before pressing "Submit". For more information regarding server training, contact the Parish Office. All students 4th grade and older are invited to join our Altar Server Ministry! If you would like to sign up your student, please email Mary Mehringer
Calling All Altar Servers!
It has been a great year and now we are looking ahead to the next one! We know that sometimes long lengths of time go in between when you are scheduled to serve at Mass and maybe some things are a bit hazy to remember what to do or when. Or maybe you are ready to learn more!
This dedicated group helps in maintaining the Altar linens, Vestments, and other items used in the preparation for all Liturgies. A sacristan is scheduled for each Mass.
These parishioners assist in serving communion at Mass.
All liturgical ministers are scheduled through the web-based ministry scheduler. Get involved in ministry and sign up today!
Contact Clara Duray, Director of Music, at 317-466-3358, or Charlie Dispenzeri, Pastoral Associate, at 317-466-3355, with any questions.
Our purpose is to offer support to parishioners who have experienced the death of a loved one. Approximately 25 team members offer support for one year through prayer, note cards, and resources, and also by hosting the annual Memorial Bereavement service and reception scheduled in conjunction with All Saints and All Souls Days. Volunteers who have "walked the walk" are needed. For more information, contact Charlie Dispenzieri.
Currently, we have approximately 250 parishioners who are refugees from Burma. The mentor ministry serves to unite existing SPX parishioners with our Burmese parishioners to create union and friendship. This ministry works in coordination with Rusty Albertson, Director of Evangelization, and Rita Lwin, Coordinator of Burmese Minstry.
Volunteers are needed to work with the elders in the community in preparing them for the Citizenship test.
Each year we offer religious gift items and materials to enhance the Advent season, along with Fair Trade food and gift items made by impoverished people from all over the world. Volunteers are needed to help with the sale. For more information, please contact Val Scherrer or Charlie Dispenzieri.
St. Philip Neri Christ in Christmas Program "Give from the heart..." Each year, St. Pius does an outstanding job of providing Christmas to approximately 330 children. We usually assign one child to a red or green trash bag (red for girls, green for boys). If you take a bag, we ask you shop for all the items on the list and place them in the bag. Each bag will cost approximately $150 to complete.
The needs of each child will consist of an outfit (top and bottom), sweatshirt, package of socks, package of underwear, mittens/gloves, hat and toy. Toys include art sets, baby dolls, trains, blocks, sports balls, Barbie's, etc...(no battery operated or elctronic toys please). All bags are to be returned, OPEN with UNWRAPPED items during one of the assigned drop off times. If you can't make one of the drop off times, please contact one of the event chairs and they will get your completed bag from you. If you can't take a bag, no worries...there are other ways you can help the program.
There will be two Christmas trees with gingerbread ornaments, one in the school atrium and another in the church Narthex. Each ornament consists of one item...diapers, jammies, hoodies, Lego kits and craft kits. These items can be returned at anytime to the parish office or at one of the assigned drop off dates. We will also have envelopes for monetary donations if that is easier for you, which will be found in the back of the Narthex or in the parish office. The school will also have a blanket drive on Friday following the assigned drop off dates.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer your time, please contact Charlie Dispenzieri
Since 1997, many projects with our sister parish in Portillo, El Salvador, have come to fruition, Currently, the focus is on the education of the children providing scholarships. For more information, contact Alice Mattingly.
In 2004, our outreach expanded to the neighboring community in Guarjila, El Salvador, thus forming the Tamarindo Foundation, Inc. It's primary mission fosters youth projects in education, health, recreation and micro-business. Youth mission trips in the 90's, continue today sponsored by Bishop Chatard High School.
St. Pius has had sister relationships with the Portillo Community and the Tamarindo Community in El Salvador for over 20 years. The roots of this outreach ministry are very deep. St. Pius has re-established annual trips to El Salvador and the folks who have recently traveled there have witnessed firsthand how the initial outreach efforts have positively affected these communities. The fruits are many but there is still room for growth!
This is a group of parishioners who prepare food and/or serve lunch for bereaved families following their loved one's funeral at St. Pius. Volunteers are needed. For more information, contact Anne Broderick.
St. Pius X's Wrapped in Love prayer shawl ministry provides parishioners and friends an opportunity to meet in fellowship to create prayer shawls and lap blankets for those who need healing of mind, body, and spirit. Our blessed shawls and blankets as well as other hand-crafted items such as twiddlemuffs, pocket prayer squares and chemo caps, are available by calling the parish office at 317-255-4534. The Ministry's outreach now includes Miracle Place, Birthline, SVDP, Riley Hospital Perinatal Bereavement as well as area healthcare centers and homes. Crafting sessions are held monthly and knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are welcome. For more information about prayer shawls and our meetings, click here or contact Ruth Ranalletta, Lisa Dum, or Kathy Bates.
Comments from recipients:
"I was at an early mass when I was asked if I am a veteran. I am and was given a small prayer square of Red, White and Blue to keep in my pocket. Anywhere I go that goes with me. A wonderful gift after the loss of my wife of 51 years."
"I want to thank the Wrapped in Love ministry for the wonderful service they do. My mother passed away recently after an 8-month battle with health issues. I had given her a prayer shawl and she cherished it; it hardly left her side. At times when frustration or depression seemed to overwhelm her, she would find comfort in her shawl."
"I had an encounter with a man who saw the power of the prayer squares that the prayer shawl ministry makes. I deliver communion to hospitalized patients and I met someone who told me that he had recently had a very difficult night and that he clutched the prayer square he had from St. Pius all night and prayed. He said that is what got him through the night and saved his life! I think that is such a testament to the value of your ministry!"
Comments from Ministry members:
"In addition to the shared camaraderie of meeting with fellow needleworkers, some of us had the privilege of offering prayer shawls each week as we visited patients in a local hospital. The sense of peace imparted to patients as they clutched the prayer shawl during our brief prayer time and visit was truly inspirational." Mary
"To me, the SPX Prayer Shawl Ministry demonstrates the Holy Spirit at work. As crafters, we can be inspired to use particular colors or drawn to certain patterns - yet we never know who will receive our work. It is heartwarming to learn when recipients feel a piece was made specifically for them because they have a special connection to the colors or design of the piece offered to them as a sign of love and comfort." Elaine
Volunteers work to promote respect for life through prayer, projects, service, etc. Birthline is an outreach service of the Archdiocese Pro-Life office that assists pregnant women and mothers of infants, with clothes, diapers, bedding, etc. They rely strictly on donations. The Birthline drop box is in the church Narthex. For more information, contact Jackie Quarto.
July 22nd through August 27th, school supplies will be collected in designated baskets in the Narthex, sorted and dispensed for St. Philip Neri Parish, El Salvador, and those children in need. Volunteers are needed. For more information, contact Charlie Dispenzieri.
Is an ecumenical partnership of the Christian Service Committee representatives (St. Pius X, Cross and Crown, Allisonville Christian, Epworth United Methodist, and First Friends Quaker churches) who work together on a shared project to assist the poor. Projects include Habitat for Humanity, Schools on Wheels, Trunks of Treasure Garage Sale, and Fifth Tuesday Presentations.
For more information on the Shalom Zone events, please contact Bill Clark.
Christmas Meals
St. Pius supports the Indiana Women's Prison (IWP) by providing a Christmas meal to approximately 550 ladies. We reach out to the parish to help by purchasing and donating hard boiled eggs as part of the IWP Christmas meal. The hard boiled eggs are dropped off at the church, packaged, and delivered to the women in the prison. If you would like more information about this ministry, please contact Shannon Farrell.
Sunday at 9:30 am in the Matthew/Mark conference rooms; September 8- November 10
Wednesday at 10 am in the Matthew/Mark conference rooms; September 11- November 15
Registration available here-
When God called Israel out of slavery in Egypt to a life of freedom as his people, it was the defining moment in Israel's history. Exodus: Called to Freedom looks through the lens of Christ and the Church to show that, more than just seeking to free his people from the domination of Pharaoh, God desired to free his people from the far more dangerous grip of sin.
Presenter Tim Gray explains how the Exodus story is not just Israel's story but our story as well, because it reveals who God is and what he calls us to be. Discover the divine purpose behind the plagues on Egypt and how God's law reflects his love and concern. Lean the keys to authentic freeedom and how a proper understanding of the Exodus can illuminate one's understanding of the Christian Faith.
This study will be offered twice a week (Monday's at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday's at 10:00 a.m.) for ten weeks starting the week of September 11th and will meet in the Matthew/Mark conference rooms. There is no cost for attendance, but we do require registration. You may register through this link: or by calling the Faith Formation office at 317-257-1085.
An optional $30 workbook may be purchased through the Faith Formation office by Thursday, August 31st, or may be purchased on your own via If you have any questions regarding either of these studies, please contact Mary Mehringer at 317-466-3365.
The Resource Library is located off the Narthex, on the south side of the church. The library provides books, periodicals, audio/visual tapes and other materials for the entire parish. There are many children's books, along with Mass totes that can be borrowed during Mass. If you would like to assist in the care of the library, contact Carol Divine. You can also view a few samples of books in our Resource Library.
The Adult Education Team (AET) and Faith Formation Commission provides monthly speakers, DVD series, and other opportunities from September through May.
Once a month, we gather as a community for fellowship, food, and games/activity. We start with prayer and supper then move onto games and faith sharing. Each agape gathering is held at a different location each month. All young adults of the parish are invited. Kids are welcome.
Celebrating the Eucharist is at the heart of our faith. Due to illness or disability, some parishioners cannot join in the celebration, so we bring Eucharist to them. In our parish, teams of Eucharistic ministers serve five nursing/assisted living communities on a weekly basis. Others take Communion to the area hospitals, while others visit those who are homebound. Please contact Charlie Dispenzieri if you or a loved one would like to have a Eucharistic minister visit you, and or you wish to volunteer.
Focolare is a movement that was founded in Italy in 1943 by Chiara Lubich (1920-2008), as a current of spiritual and social renewal during World War II. "A people born from the Gospel" is how she defined it, whereby members strive to live the gospel message "May They All be One".
Locally, the Focolare group meets monthly in an effort to live mutual love building unity among the group working toward a more united world. Other group events are scheduled throughout the year. For more information, contact Jim and Millie Komro.
Check out upcoming events happening through IndyCatholic! IndyCatholic is a vibrant ministry for young adults of our archdiocese organized by the Young Adult and College Campus Ministry (YACCM) office. Events include intramural sports, Theology on Tap, First Friday Adoration, and Operation Leftover, a ministry to the homeless of Indianapolis. Contact Audra Kriauciunas for more info.
This is a 24-week adult educational and formational program that offers an opportunity for parishioners to experience a spiritual journey into compassion. Our Catholic faith and biblical tradition extend an extraordinary invitation to each of us and our faith community, to become agents of God’s compassion and healing in a wounded world.
The process includes books, DVD’s, guest speakers, discussion, prayer, retreats and immersion experiences. For further information, go to Just Faith or contact Charlie Dispenzieri.
This is the Archdiocesan retreat house which provides retreats and other programs to meet the spiritual needs of individuals in their ongoing journey to embrace God in their lives. Days of reflection, self-guided silent retreats, Christian Awakening and Kairos retreats for youth, married couples retreats, and staff retreats and conferences are available at Fatima.
Retreat schedules and Spiritual Direction are available.
For specific questions regarding retreats, contact Mary Schaffner.
This ministry serves the spiritual and social needs of our parishioners who are fifty-five or older. Parish programs, events, speakers, and annual pilgrimages are developed to meet the spiritual growth needs of the participants.
For more information, contact Barney and Gloria Hayes.
Circle of Friends is designed to provide an opportunity to meet spiritual needs of adults with developmental and cognitive disabilities. Catechists meet one-on-one with our special Friends, twice a month on the first and third Thursday of each month. The sessions are typically held from October t0 April. Our in-person meetings will begin on October 7 from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Contact Mary Mehringer 317-466-3365, for more information.
St. Pius Men's Group - All men ages 21+, consider taking this opportunity to socialize and connect with other men of the parish. The SPX Men's Group will usually meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Contact Joey Krisch for more information.
Women of all ages are invited to join for snacks, drinks, and conversation with other women of the parish once a month, during the school year. Our next Women's Night will be held on Thursday, September 14th, from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., in the church conference rooms. Contact Audra Kriauciunas for more information.
Once a month, we gather as a community for fellowship, food, and games/activity. We start with prayer and supper then move onto games and faith sharing. Each agape gathering is held at a different location each month. All young adults of the parish are invited. Kids are welcome. Contact Audra Kriauciunas for more information.
Any moms are welcome to join this fun and informal monthly group. Come together, connect, and form lasting relationships with other moms. Feel free to bring little ones. Babysitters will be available to help with young children. If you have questions, please contact Contact Audra Kriauciunas for more information.
SPX Young Adult Ministry hosts family opportunities throughout the year. If you have questions, please contact Contact Audra Kriauciunas for more information.
The St. Pius X Office of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry strives to foster a Christ-centered community for learning about and growing in our Catholic faith. We encourage engagement and develop intentional disciples in a lifelong faith journey. For more information about Youth Ministry email or call:
Audra Kriauciunas, Director of Youth and Young Adult, at 317-466-3370.
If you have a child in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who would like to join EDGE or a child in high school who would like to join High School Youth Ministry, you may also register them at the link here: Register. If you have questions regarding EDGE or HS YM, contact Audra Kriauciunas, Director of Youth and Young Adult, at 317-466-3370.
Middle School students join us for:
For additional information about our High School Youth Ministry programs, contact: Audra Kriauciunas, Director of Youth and Young Adult, at 317-466-3370.
The athletic programs offered by St. Pius X Catholic Church, are an extension and expression of the values upon which our religious beliefs are based. As such, love of God and love of neighbor are two goals we strive to attain.
It is our intention to provide programs and direction that allow each child to maximize the talents which God bestowed. At the same time, all associated with the program must conduct themselves in a manner that exhibits good sportsmanship and love of neighbor. St. Pius X parents/attendees, athletes, and coaches shall adhere to the parish sports code of conduct.
parents/attendees code athletes code coaches code
The Catholic Youth Organization has partnered with St. Vincent Sports Performance and the Athlete's Concussion Alliance to provide the tools and information regarding the CYO Concussion Education Initiative and Policy. It is very important that all CYO coaches, parents, and participants are educated in the signs and symptoms of a concussion and how to proceed if a child has sustained or is suspected of sustaining a concussion.
SPX sports team pictures are needed. Team photos with athletes' and coaches' names can be emailed to [email protected].
Our School Spirit Wear store is your home for school uniform and school spirit wear products that features t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces, and more. The store is now closed. *All purchases are final - No returns or exchange.
The Athletic Spirit Wear Store is open. We provide product options designed for each of the seasonal sports along with a collection of core spirit wear options. You will find a focused product assortment for each of the selected sports. Gear up today with your sport and athletic school spirit wear to show your true school energy! Click the store link,, to join in the excitement. The Panther Pro Shop is now closed.
St. Pius X offers a variety of sports. There are three steps to register for an SPX sport. Schedules for upcoming SPX games and practices are available. The Sweeney Pass is a season pass to all home games in the SPX gym during the 2021-2022 school year. The $30 cost includes admission for you and your entire immediate family and will be charged to your FACTS account. You can sign up for a Sweeney Pass at the admission table the next time you are at an SPX home event. The Sweeney Pass online form will be available soon.
As part of its ongoing commitment to the protection of children, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis has implemented an online training program called Safe Parish. There is a link on the site. Register using Passcode: Archindy2021. All priests deacons, employees and volunteers who have contact with children must complete the training. The course takes about 55 minutes to complete, including a background check and video training. If you are a school family, $7 will be charged to your FACTS account. If you are not a school family, please send a check to the Parish Office for $7 payable to St. Pius X Parish. (write background check in the memo line) Thank you for your commitment to the protection of children!
Our Youth Ministry develops and coordinates age appropriate experiences to reinforce the Catholic values being fostered in the youth of St. Pius X Parish. In order to succeed, the Youth Ministry needs the active participation of adult parishioners to assist in the various youth ministry programs.
Please review our calendar for opportunities. If you have a gift of time, talent, or treasure that could enhance the SPX Youth Ministry, please contact Contact Audra Kriauciunas for more information. All adult parishioners are invited and encouraged to take part in these programs.
Nazareth Farm, West Virginia
Youth Ministry participates in many summer trips. Nazareth Farm in West Virginia is a week-long mission trip for 16 to 18-year-old teens. Catholic Heart Workcamp is a week-long mission trip for 13 to 20-year-old teens. Adult chaperones are needed to help with all these trips.
Save the date for NCYC Fully Alive which will be held from November 16 - 18, 2023, in Indianapolis. This is a powerfully unique three-day experience of prayer, community, evangelization, catechesis, service, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers (of high school age) and their adult chaperones. NCYC flyer
This third Sacrament of Initiation celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit coming down on our candidates. The Holy Spirit gives us the knowledge and courage to do what we can't learn from school or our extracurricular activities including, making decisions that will change our lives or guiding a friend through their struggles.
Those interested in learning more about the Holy Spirit can begin preparation in the Fall, starting in 10th grade or above, and will be confirmed in the Spring of the same year.
The Youth Ministry Office coordinates this preparation and is looking for speakers willing to show how the Holy Spirit is working in their life.
If you have any questions or would like to help with this process, please call Kaitlyn Blandford at 317-466-3365 or email: [email protected].
Registration for 2023-2024 is now available via the link here: Confirmation Registration 2023-2024
Children's Faith Formation Registration is Now Open
Throughout the school year, on class days, Children’s Faith Formation families are encouraged to gather together on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. and children will go to their Children’s Faith Formation rooms at 9:45 a.m. For more information about our 2023-2024 program, please contact Julie Hughes @317-257-1085 or [email protected].
St. Pius X Children's Faith Formation (CFF) helps form the faith of non-parochial school students from age 3 through 5th grade and meets on most Sunday mornings during the school year. Children's Faith Formation families are encouraged to gather together from 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. and children will go to their Children's Faith Formation rooms at 9:45 a.m. CFF teaches the religion curriculum of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, which presents Catholic doctrine within the four-part framework of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (creed, sacraments, Christian living and prayer). Here is a list of the curriculum checklist for Preschool through 5th grade: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Registration for CFF 2024-2025 will be available in September. Contact Julie Hughes at 317-257-1085, for more information.
In the September 6, 2019 edition of the Criterion, there was an article written by John Shaughnessy titled, "Taking down barriers helps children learn God's message". This story highlights the St. Pius X Children's Faith Formation ministry to our deaf children that attend Children's Faith Formation. The link to the story can be found here. Thank you to John Shaughnessy and the Criterion for sharing this article.
If you have a child in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who would like to join EDGE, you may register them at the link here EDGE If you have questions regarding EDGE, contact Audra Kriauciunas at 317-466-3370.
CLOW is a continuation of the Mass on a child's level beginning with the first reading and proceeding to the offertory. It is especially designed for children 4-7 years old. The children are invited to come forward and follow the adult leader to the Multipurpose room, where they gather during the Liturgy of the Word and listen to and break open the Gospel at their level, September through May. We are looking for adult leaders and teen helpers for the 11:00 a.m. Mass.
Contact Mary Mehringer at 317-466-3365 for more information.
If your child is in 3rd grade or older and is wishing Baptism and/or Eucharist and Reconciliation, programs are adapted to fit the needs of the individual. We welcome the opportunity to catechize your children!
Contact Mary Mehringer at 317-466-3365, for more information.