St. Pius Men's Group - All men ages 21+, consider taking this opportunity to socialize and connect with other men of the parish. Contact Joey Krisch for more information.
Young Families - SPX Young Adult Ministry hosts family opportunities throughout the year. If you have questions, please contact Audra Kriauciunas.
Mom's Group - All moms are welcome to join this fun and informal monthly group. Come together, connect, and form lasting relationships with other moms. Feel free to bring little ones. Babysitters will be available to help with young children. If you have questions, please contact Audra Kriauciunas.
Agape Gathering - Once a month, we gather as a community for fellowship, food, and games/activity. We start with prayer and supper then move onto games and faith sharing. Each agape gathering is held at a different location each month. All young adults of the parish are invited. Kids are welcome.
IndyCatholic - Check out upcoming events happening through IndyCatholic! IndyCatholic is a vibrant ministry for young adults of our archdiocese organized by the Young Adult and College Campus Ministry (YACCM) office. Events include intramural sports, Theology on Tap, First Friday Adoration, and Operation Leftover, a ministry to the homeless of Indianapolis.