A Pastoral Council is a consultative body of parishioners who help the Pastor. The Pastoral Council consists of 15 voting members. Nine Pastoral Council members are elected at-large. Elections are held annually and are open to all parishioners 18 years of age and older. Terms run three years. Six other Council members are Chairpersons of the various Commissions. These members have two-year terms. The positions of Council Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary are filled through the process of discernment. Contact: The parish office at 317-255-4534.
Bryce Wolf - Immediate Past Chair
Michael Kussy - Vice Chairperson
Cyrus Fisher - Secretary
John Collins - At-Large
Lisa Doyle - At-Large
John Ernst - At-Large
Barney Hayes - At-Large
Jackie Quarto - At-Large
Sean Kennedy - Finance
Morgan Pluckebaum - School
Heather Gastineau-Lyons - PTO
Tony Pasterino - Athletic Committee
Suellyn Sorensen - Youth
Jo Fowler - Faith Formation
Thomas Chastang - Liturgy & Spiritual Life Commission
Mo McReynolds - Young Adult
Patrick Crowley - Christian Service
Mike Duray - Stewardship
Rita Lwin - Burmese Community